Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Long Time No Post

I have not been posting because I've been super busy/not cooking as much as usual. I have a few pics from recent adventures in the kitchen but I'm ashamed to say that it's been so long since I've messed around with food pics that I forgot what a few things were!

In any case, now that it's summer. I feel less like cooking and more like drinking. Maybe I should switch to posting about booze. I did make an amazing strawberry shortcake:

I hacked together some not vegan recipes from Food Network's site and veganized them. I also veganized Alton Brown's heavenly home made soft pretzels.

It hasn't been 100% booze and junk food however. I have been playing with my miso soup recipe

At what point is it no longer miso soup? It now includes lemongrass, ginger, spinach, shiitake and baked lemon pepper tofu.

I also made mini pizzas using giant portobello mushrooms instead of dough. I just washed these babies and scooped out the gills with a spoon. Sprayed with olive oil cooking spray and roasted 'em on both sides under the broiler until tender. Then I spooned on some tomato sauce and shredded mozzarella soy cheese. I topped it with some shredded basil from the garden and popped it back under the broiler to melt the cheese. Delicious!

About the soy cheese in my little low carb pizzas above: I used a soy cheese called Teese which is made in Chicago and available from Pangea. If you are a vegan YOU NEED THIS PRODUCT!!!! It melts, for real, better than FYH! We also made a lasagna with it.


  1. i just stumbled across your blog while looking for a vegan tiramisu recipe, and then got engrossed in more posts. your comments on vegan wedding planning were encouraging to me, as i worry about dealing with that in the near future. you are so creative with your recipes! i can't wait to try the tiramisu and those portabella pizzas.

  2. just stumbled across your blog in my search for vegan tiramisu. those portabello pizzas? might have just changed my life. genius!

  3. I like your use of "veganize" - fun blog. I'll be back to read more.

  4. I just found your blog and I am so go to make the portabello pizza! Great idea.
